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Denied Workers’ Compensation Claims: What to Do Next in North Carolina

The workers’ compensation system protects people who have been injured on the job and are unable to work. While the system is supposed to be easy for workers to navigate, many claims are unfortunately denied. The good news is that many of these denials are fixable with help from an […]

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Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Process in North Carolina: Step by Step

If you have been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can cover your medical expenses and up to two-thirds of your lost income. In order to get these benefits, however, you must find your way through the claim process, which isn’t always […]

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What If the Other Driver Was Drinking Alcohol?

Driving while under the influence of alcohol remains a problem on our roads, and drivers who are intoxicated behind the wheel often cause very serious accidents. If you have been injured in an accident with a drunk driver, you need an experienced car accident attorney who can help you get […]

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What is MedPay and What Does It Cover?

Most people purchase car insurance and never think about it until they are in an accident. While this is understandable, it can result in some unpleasant surprises in the event of an accident when you learn precisely what is covered and what isn’t. If you have questions about your insurance […]

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Don’t Sign Settlement Documents Until You Are Sure About Your Underinsured Coverage

Car accidents can involve complex questions concerning how insurance will cover the accident victim’s losses. To guard against losses, many insurance agents will recommend that their customers purchase underinsured motorist coverage. Unfortunately, many drivers do not understand how this coverage applies, which can lead to considerable confusion in the event […]

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Injured Passengers May Be Covered By Their Own Auto Insurance

North Carolina is an “at-fault” state, which means that people who are injured in car accidents must pursue their claims for compensation against the driver who caused the accident. Some states, such as Florida, are “no-fault” states, which means that injured parties seek compensation from their own insurance.  Because it […]

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How Can I Prove My Pain And Suffering?

Under the law, injury victims are entitled to be made whole. This means that you are entitled not only to compensation for your losses such as medical expenses and lost income but also to compensation for the pain and suffering you experience as a result of your accident. The damages […]

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What Should You Do if You or a Loved One Is in the Hospital After a Car Accident?

Hospitals are vulnerable places. You are generally cut off from the outside world and dependent on others for your most basic needs. Many people who find themselves in the hospital can feel disoriented, isolated, lonely, and depressed. It is vital to remember, however, that it is a time of recovery, […]

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Should I Use My Health Insurance to Cover Medical Bills That Are Due to Another’s Negligence?

Health insurance can play a critical role in getting the medical care you need following an accident. However, the interplay between your health insurance, the other party’s liability, and your losses can raise several difficult questions. A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the claim process so that […]

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Available Damages in North Carolina Personal Injury Cases

Whether it is a car accident or a medical malpractice claim, you may be entitled to compensation if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. In legal terminology, the compensation you are entitled to seek is referred to as “damages.” Understanding what damages are available in […]

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“Forest, once again, my family and I thank you for obtaining another settlement on behalf of my Father. It’s almost uncanny that these checks seem to come at very opportune times. This one comes as we are expecting our fourth grandchild. It will provide her some sound footing towards her future college education, plus help Mom and Dad with the medical expenses. Sometimes, I think my Dad is helping you guys with this. Maybe so. Anyway, thank you again for your hard work.”

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The law firm you choose makes a difference. If you are the victim of an accident or an illness that someone else caused, the North Carolina personal injury law firm of Martin & Jones has the depth of experience, skills and sensitivity to make your road to recovery as smooth as possible. Whether you have experience with the legal system or have never hired a medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer before, our attorneys and staff will do our best to answer your questions, provide clear advice and prepare you and your family for what to expect. If you would like more information or to meet with one of our attorneys, please fill out the form below or call us at 800.662.1234.