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Additional 5 Million Vehicles With Takata Airbags Recalled

The recall of an additional five million vehicles with Takata airbags was announced by federal officials on Friday, January 22 after a tenth death was linked to the faulty airbags.  The death of a South Carolina man in an accident in Georgia in late December was reported as the first […]

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Kids’ Chance Provides Scholarships for Children of Injured Workers

Kids’ Chance of NC offers scholarships for technical school and undergraduate college to children of injured workers. Executive Director Paul Seguin said scholarship applications are reviewed and awarded throughout the year based upon availability of funds. If your family is struggling to cover tuition costs or other school expenses because […]

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NBC News Airs Story on Safety of IVC Filters

NBC aired a three-part series in September based on its investigation into the safety of the Bard Recovery retrievable IVC filter.  In the first news report, NBC interviewed a patient who had to undergo open heart surgery after a Bard Recovery IVC filter broke off and pierced her heart.  In […]

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Firm investigating IVC Filter and Bair Hugger lawsuits

Martin & Jones attorneys are investigating claims on behalf of patients who’ve been harmed by retrievable IVC filters manufactured by Bard and Cook.  These IVC filters have harmed patients by fracturing, migrating and perforating.  The FDA has issued warning regarding their safety. Our firm is also investigating claims involving the […]

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Tractor-Trailer Driver Charged With Misdemeanor Death by Vehicle

Every year, hundreds of people from North Carolina are injured or killed in tractor trailer accidents. Another tragedy just occurred. On Monday May 18, 2015, a tractor trailer driver was charged after a mother and her daughter were killed in a morning crash near Oxford, North Carolina. The tractor-trailer was […]

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Three Construction Workers Die in Downtown Raleigh Scaffolding Collapse

According to a news report on WRAL, OSHA records show that the company responsible for the scaffolding at the downtown Raleigh construction site where three construction workers were killed and another seriously injured Monday morning had previously been cited twice in the last ten years for violations related to scaffolding. […]

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Amtrak and Tractor Trailer Collision in Halifax Being Investigated

State and federal investigators as well as the family of the most seriously injured passenger want to know why the railroad wasn’t notified of the tractor trailer stuck on the CSX-owned tracks the day an Amtrak collided into it at crossing in Halifax, North Carolina. At least 55 of the […]

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Asbestos Industry Pushes Bill That Would Take Away Victim Rights

Insurance companies and the asbestos industry are trying to push a bill through Congress that would take away rights of victims of asbestos disease. Exposure to asbestos has killed hundreds of thousands of American workers, and kills thousands more every year. Read the editorial in Huffington Post written by president […]

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Deadly Guardrails Not Banned in North Carolina

To date, 46 states have banned the ET-Plus guardrail system blamed nationwide for 40 deaths and hundreds of injuries. North Carolina is one of the few states that has not banned the ET-Plus. Some states have gone as far as to require any ET-Plus be uninstalled from their highways. In […]

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Mesothelioma Found in Areas with Naturally Occurring Asbestos

A New York Times article reported on a scientist’s findings of ‘troubling patterns of mesothelioma’ in areas with naturally occurring asbestos deposits. Two Nevada geologists found evidence of ‘a landscape filled with asbestos.’ Based on that concern, they reached out to asbestos-related disease experts. The state of Nevada refused to […]

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