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Car Accidents Caused by Road Defects in North Carolina

February 24, 2022

While most car accidents are the result of another driver’s negligence, there are many other potential causes. Weather, mechanical failures, or vehicle defects can also lead to an accident, but another common cause is defects in the road surface. These defects may be due to poor maintenance, defective design, or […]

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What Types of Damages Are Available in Your Personal Injury Case?

One of the most common questions that accident victims have is what kind of compensation can be pursued on their behalf. In legal terms, the compensation sought is referred to as “damages.” While the damages will depend on the severity of your injury and other factors, understanding the types of […]

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Martin & Jones Celebrates Holidays with Oxford Orphanage

December 22, 2021

Martin & Jones has celebrated Christmas with children at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford for 21 years.  Allison Rogers has coordinated the celebration on behalf of Martin & Jones for all those years.  “It does my heart good to support a place like this,” Allison said, when telling […]

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Do You Need a Lawyer to Pursue a Vaccine Injury Claim?

While it isn’t widely discussed, thousands of people across the country pursue vaccine injury claims every year and are ultimately awarded compensation. These claims are so common that Congress created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) in the 1980s. Claimants are paid from a trust fund that is funded […]

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Car Accident Survival Guide: Life After The Crash

Perhaps because they are so common, many people fail to consider the short and long-term consequences of suffering a severe injury in a car accident. The days, weeks, and even months following your accident can be overwhelming. This guide will walk you through all of the main concerns that may […]

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Workers’ Comp: Return to Work — Shift Changes & Child Care

Often when an injured worker returns to the job after a period of disability, the employer will offer him or her a position on a shift different from the one worked before the injury. Sometimes, this shift change can cause childcare problems for the injured worker’s family, particularly for single […]

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Diagnosed With an Illness Caused by Asbestos Exposure? The Clock is Ticking

Receiving a diagnosis concerning a serious disease or terminal illness can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Your first instinct may be to worry about it later – after all, you feel well enough, and you’re now motivated to live life to the fullest. Unfortunately, ignoring your illness won’t make it go […]

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What You Need to Know About Jackknife Truck Accidents

Because of their size and weight, trucks present unique hazards to other vehicles on the road. One of those hazards is the risk of a “jackknife” accident that can result in multi-vehicle accidents and severe injuries for anyone involved. If you have been injured in a jackknife accident, a Raleigh […]

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Is The Insurance Company Asking You to Give Them a Recorded Statement?

The request seems harmless enough – they just need to record your statement so that they can process your claim. You may be given the impression that this will help you. If you have been injured in an accident, providing a recorded statement could potentially jeopardize your claim. Before providing […]

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North Carolina Car Accident Trials

Many people are intimidated by the prospect of going to court. The good news is that many car accident claims settle even before a lawsuit is filed. Of those cases where a lawsuit is filed, most of those cases settle before the case gets to trial. You shouldn’t let the […]

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“We would like to express our gratitude to you (Hunt Willis) for accepting our case. First of all, when I called this law firm, a very sweet and kind lady answered the telephone and gave me assurance by asking and going over the accident with me, while my husband was in the hospital. I felt assured I was doing the right thing for us. She was so helpful in so many ways. What a professional lady. Secondly, we are much pleased that you have settled this case with the insurance company to receive the proper amount to assist us in so many ways. My husband and I are very happy with you and the firm in handling our case. You made us have confidence in your professional and integrity along with your assistant Ms. Routh, when you both came to see us in our home, in which we saw your compassion and thoughtfulness at that time. We will never forget what you have done for us, and we thank the lord for directing me to contact this firm. I’m glad I did.” 

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Call us at 800-662-1234
No Win, No Fee

The law firm you choose makes a difference. If you are the victim of an accident or an illness that someone else caused, the North Carolina personal injury law firm of Martin & Jones has the depth of experience, skills and sensitivity to make your road to recovery as smooth as possible. Whether you have experience with the legal system or have never hired a medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer before, our attorneys and staff will do our best to answer your questions, provide clear advice and prepare you and your family for what to expect. If you would like more information or to meet with one of our attorneys, please fill out the form below or call us at 800.662.1234.