The New York Times recently reported that a type of hip implant once widely used in as many as 80,000 out of the estimated 250,000 hip replacement and resurfacing procedures performed in the U.S. annually may cause complications for patients. The hip components, referred to as metal on metal devices, […]
Author: Martin & Jones
More Proof That Calls For Tort Reform Are Just Political Games
A new Public Citizen report shows that while medical malpractice payments are at near-record lows, health care costs continue to rise. You can read about the report on Public Citizen’s website. This makes one thing clear: claims that medical malpractice lawsuits are driving the high costs of health care are […]
Health Care Reform Is The Issue – Tort Reform Is The Opponents’ ‘Distraction’
While I was visiting a neurosurgeon’s office in the recent past, he took the occasion to show me all the medical charts he was reviewing for medical negligence. As I gazed upon the many stacks of medical records, he asked me why there were so many medical malpractice lawsuits. When […]
Hospital Acquired Infections Kill Thousands and Cost Billions
According to a recent study reported in the New York Daily News as many as 48,000 people die each year from pneumonia and blood borne infections (sepsis) acquired in our nation’s hospitals. Investigators reviewed hospital discharge records from as many as 69 million in-patient hospital admissions between 1998 and 2006, […]
Hospital Infections
Patients go to the hospital in the hope of getting better, not worse. But thousands of patients die each year because they contracted an infection while they were in the hospital. A study published this month in the highly respected Archives of Internal Medicine reports that hospital-acquired infections affect 1.7 […]
Why We Need Trial Lawyers
The people at our firm are proud of the work we do and we are honored that people come to us for help. That’s why it is so disturbing to hear those who advocate for what is misleadingly called ‘tort reform’ smear trial lawyers and the injured people they represent. […]
CARD Act Goes Into Effect
The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (“CARD Act”) went into effect on February 22, 2010. The CARD Act was intended to rein in perceived abuses by credit card issuers. The law requires card issuers to: (1) provide at least 45 days’ notice to most customers before making significant […]
Fifth Third Bank Sued for Alleged Unfair Overdraft Fee Charges
A class action lawsuit was recently filed against Cincinnati-based Fifth Third Bank, alleging predatory overdraft fee practices. The complaint alleges that Fifth Third Bank manipulated customer debit transactions by posting them to customer accounts in the order of largest amount to smallest, instead of when they are received. This was […]
Recent Study Documents Sharp Decline in Number of Securities Class Actions Filings in 2009
The filing of federal security fraud class action lawsuits was down sharply in 2009 compared to both 2008 and historical averages. According to Securities Class Action Filings – 2009: A Year in Review, an annual report prepared by the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, a total of 169 […]
Federal Legislation Proposed to Curb Overdraft Fee Abuses
Americans pay $23.7 billion per year in overdraft fees, most of which are related to small debit card overdrafts that financial institutions could easily deny without imposing any fees. As the Center for Responsible Lending has noted: “These fees hit vulnerable consumers hardest, thrusting them into a cycle of debt […]