Big business and insurance company lobbyists have pressured some of our legislators to file a bill, House Bill 709, that is a radical attack on the rights of injured workers. The bill has many objectionable provisions, but here are some of the worst: With few exceptions, the bill limits both […]
Author: Martin & Jones
FDA’s Abbreviated Process for Approving Medical Devices Puts Dangerous Devices on the Market
In a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine the authors found that 71 percent of medical devices were approved through the FDA’s less-rigorous 510(k) process. Most of the medical devices recalled in the FDA’s highest-risk recall category (a risk of serious injury or death) were cleared for […]
Should I Use My Hazard Lights in the Rain?
In a heavy rain storm when your windshield wipers just won’t keep up, you want to be as safe as possible. Sometimes it is not even safe to pull over. You want to do something. Don’t turn on your hazard lights. The hazard lights indicate your vehicle is a hazard […]
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
There is something wrong with this picture – right? Putting a price tag on the medical liability system is difficult, but one 2010 study estimated it costs the United States more than $55 billion annually, or 2.4 percent of the country’s healthcare spending. In addition, experts say tens of thousands […]
Don’t Believe The ‘Stella Awards’ Emails!
Every year, chain emails about the ‘Stella Awards’ are forwarded. These emails contain false stories about lawsuits and are designed to make you think that people are getting rich off of frivolous lawsuits that are ruining our country. Don’t believe this propaganda., a website that ‘fact checks’ urban legends […]
A Family Health History Can Be An Important Health Tool
Uncovering your family health history may be beneficial in predicting the diseases you may experience. This is according to a study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic as reported in Family gatherings offer a great opportunity to learn you family medical history- which is most insightful if thoroughly gathered from […]
Hospital Medical Errors Continue At Alarming Rate
A recent study entitled “Adverse Events in Hospitals: National Incidence Among Medicare Beneficiaries” published on the website for the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services points out that medical errors are still costly in terms of lives and money. “The study said unexpected adverse […]
Three Remedies May Help Prevent Hospital Errors
An opinion piece in USA Today states there are three solutions being used to address the crisis problem of medical errors in hospitals worth expanding. A 1999 Institute of Medicine report stated that as many as 98,000 people die from preventable medical errors annually. Recently the Inspector General, head of […]
FDIC Issues Guidelines On Overdraft Programs
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) gave banks final guidance last week regarding overdraft programs and overdraft fees. The new guidelines are intended to ensure customers receive better information about the cost of automatic overdraft protection and also require banks to assist customers in avoiding hefty overdraft fees. The new […]
Study Indicates Preventable Errors in NC Hospitals Not Improving
One in five patients are unintentionally injured by the care they receive in hospitals with little improvement in those statistics with the passage of time. That is the conclusion of a new study to be released by the New England Journal of Medicine the New York Times reports. The study […]